• Prayer underpins all that we do. We pray by the Spirit, through Jesus to the Father, who makes all things new.

  • When we rest, we find joy in the tasks, satisfaction in achievement, and hope for the future.

  • Children and young people are active apprentices in our community, fully called to follow Christ. We listen to and discern the wisdom given by them.

  • We teach the Bible, as the active, living and compelling Word of God. We are expectant to see the move of the Holy Spirit when we gather, through signs and wonders, and the supernatural gifts of the Holy Spirit in a healthy and biblical way.

  • We are committed to share Jesus with others in an approachable way, committed to the truth, avoiding jargon and not being ‘strange or alien in the way we do things.

  • We are open to the commitment and cost of being apprentices of Jesus in our whole lives, hearing the call to follow Christ.

  • We are committed to the whole church in Telford and are called to encourage and enable mission across the town.

  • We are a committed part of the Church of England, as a local expression of a national and worldwide church.


Moving toward our 2026 vision, Telford Minster has four areas of priority which will be our particular focus, while always wanting to be responsive to the leading of the Holy Spirit.

  • We will build intentional communities of belonging, support, care and nurture in a network of Villages and Communities around our central Hub.

  • We will provide approachable and relational pathways into knowing Jesus, in every dimension of the church’s life.

  • We will help apprentices of all ages to grow in thier walk of faith in Jesus and to find their unique calling in God’s world and Christ’s Church.

  • We will provide opportunities to find healing and greater wholeness as key to what it means to be fully alive in Christ and as a gift to the wounded and the broken in our town.